The News Journal: Carper, Kaufman applaud Obama's Vows

News Article

Date: June 16, 2010
Issues: Energy

Delaware's two Democratic senators praised President Barack Obama's speech Tuesday night, both saying plans to require BP to establish an escrow fund to pay for all damages was a needed step.

"I strongly support his plan to hold BP accountable for the economic and environmental disaster it has caused in the Gulf -- including the establishment of an independently administered, special fund to ensure that Gulf Coast residents whose economic livelihoods have been affected by the spill will be fully compensated," said Sen. Ted KAUFMAN. "BP will bear the cost of its misconduct, from now until the recovery effort is complete."

KAUFMAN said the emphasis on reforming the regulatory process is essential, because failures resulting from past deregulation created a climate allowing deadly mistakes in the drilling.

"For too long, a deregulatory mindset in this country allowed irresponsible industry players like BP to take 'shortcuts,' putting our nation at tremendous risk," he said.

Sen. Tom Carper focused on Obama's call for enactment of measures to spur development of non-carbon fuels.

"I welcome the president's call for Congress to pass clean energy and clean air legislation this year," Carper said. "If there is any silver-lining that we can take from this devastating spill, I hope that it will be a wake-up call for America to get serious about pursuing clean, renewable sources of energy right here at home."

Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., did not issue a statement following the speech.
